
The travels and travails of a wandering butterfly.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Croissants et Musique

I am in heaven!

Montmartre is the best place ever! So, here I am in the Northern part of Paris, having already eaten my beignet AND my chocolate croissant, I am content.
The Globe (Antony and Cleopatra) was fantastic! I got choked up just standing there in the theatre, knowing what had come there before. I literally cried. I'm a geek. The actress playing Cleopatra was perfect. She was one hot 50-something woman. The whole cast was great. Not super-thrilled with Marc Antony, but he wasn't bad either.

I am in a little hotel on the Rue Tholoze. I can see the Eiffel Tower from my balcony. The shower will allow me to shave my legs, a blessing here in the land of frommage. I have yet to raid the charcuterie and frommagerie. I have to pace myself. Thanks for the blog comments my loved ones. I wish you could be here with me. Yes, I'm talking to you.

So, from here on out, I am freewheeling! No more schedules or airplanes until I leave. I have my Eurail pass for France, Germany and the Benelux countries, and no other agenda. My friend, Adam, (bless him) has a flat in Berlin and has kindly invited me. I will be taking him up on that offer after I hit Provence. My only regret is that I may not make it to Prague this time through. We'll see.

What else.. London is freaking expensive!!! I would love to have spent more time there, but I couldn't have. Too bad. It's fantastic and rich with interesting people and neat things to see and do. Oh, yes, Avenue Q had been altered a tiny bit, but it was great! And I saw Sunday in the Park with George ( for those of you who don't know, Sondheim is one of my faves and that show in particular) and it was stellar. Beautifully sung, and acted, I am very pleased. Nice to go to a few shows and have no complaints (can you believe it Corrie? Lianne?). Seriously.

More to come. I love Paris. Just had to say it again. I'm off to my favorite little fondue place with the wine in the baby bottles. I'll tell you more later.


added photos: In front of the Sacre Coeur carousel and a lovely evening in Montmartre. You can see the shiny gold top of the Notre Dame to the right in photo two.


At 1:43 PM, Blogger CorrieBorrie said...

So happy for you and your journey! French cheese makes me so puffy... What is your secret to staying slim, lady?

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Trey said...

I would guess dancing. And getting pulled into first-class cabins by hot French guys. But then, I don't know anything about that. (Ha ha ha, having too much fun spreading delicious rumors about you, Colleen. I'm going with the belief that if I keep repeating something like that, some idiot will believe it and the ball will get rolling. MWahahaha!)

At 2:53 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

Still waiting for the hot Frrench guy with the first class cabin. Hey, perhaps on the train to Belgium tomorrow...


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