
The travels and travails of a wandering butterfly.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

heading out

Met a sweet Spanish family in the Hostel lounge last night. My brain is now thoroughly trashed between the French I'm attempting, the Spanish I heard all of last evening and the usual confusion with additional travel overload. If only I could download language into my brain like in the Matrix.
So I've encountered a major problem.
Apparently, no one in France has feel larger than size 9. The one cty where I had dedicated some time and money for shopping, and I can't buy shoes!
I'm a bit downtrodden, haha, about it. Oh, stop me someone.
On to Provence tomorrow. Got TGV reservations and all!


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Trey said...

Tres Grand Vitesse! Awesome. See if you can find out its top speed on your trip -- I had a game called "Railroad Tycoon" which had the TGV in it in the final campaign/level. That sucker FLEW.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger CorrieBorrie said...

F* those Frenchies and their little Parisian feet. Go to Berlin where they make shoes for REAL women!!!


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